Thursday, April 8, 2010

NaPoWriMo #8 - Of Merlin and Butterflies

NaPoWriMo Prompt #8 (From ReadWritePoem) - Unusual Love Connections
Today, think of your current love, your current obsession or the one who got away. Now come up with five or more unusual metaphors for the object of your affection/obsession: wool scarf, cough drop, puddle, half-empty bottle of red wine… Choose your favorite of the bunch and write a poem celebrating (or trashing) your love.

Of Merlin and Butterflies

You were her conquest when first we met:
New kid at school; helpless fly within her web.
I never saw us as one, although you did -
Indiana Jones seeking treasure –
Your adventures lost on my innocence –
Although your tenacious determination
Would eventually prevail.

You cast your Merlin spell –
Alchemy –
I was entranced.
Butterflies took residence inside my body,
Awakening whenever you were near.
I saw “Moondust in your hair of gold
And starlight in your eyes of blue” -
You were the Carpenter’s song
And I was yours for eternity.

Oh, clever sorcerer…
Enchantment remains.
Who knew butterflies could live for decades?

©Bridget Nutting, 2010

Dave and I met in ninth grade.  He had just moved from Washington to Montana.  He was only in Montana for about two years before moving to Indiana.  When we married in 1974, I was nineteen; he was twenty.  Although we've weathered more than our fair share of storms, the honeymoon is not over.


Wayne Pitchko said...

I like what you did here...thanks for sharing this

Greg O'Connell Poet in Schools said...

Enjoyed the appearance of Indiana Jones: Love as determination. =)

Dan said...

Good work!

"...helpless fly within her web."
