Sunday, April 18, 2010

NaPoWriMo #18 - Tiger

National Poetry Month Prompt #18 (From ReadWritePoem) - Meow!
        Write a poem featuring the cat family, whether big or small.


I alone am striped…
powerful, agile body
hunts alone at night…
within my territory,
I wander – still endangered.

©Bridget Nutting, 2010


one more believer said...

bridget that is a perfect tanka... it sez so much abt the fighting tiger and still more so b/c of yr last line... know what did you say abt that drawing at yr post... it definitely complements yr response to day 18!!! here kitty kitty

Dan said...

Great form and content. Very nice!

Red Shoe Artist said...

My favourite feline.. great poem