Somewhere near where you are sitting is something with a specific smell that will conjure a memory rich with images. Take a moment to find any such object and breathe the scent of it, deeply. It may be as simple as a strand of your hair, a ketchup bottle from the refrigerator, a potholder or a bottle of lotion.
Add to your breath the simple phrase, “I remember” and breathe the scent in again. “I remember.” Free write from “I remember” for at least five minutes, repeating the prompt “I remember” if your writing slows.
Use the seeds from your free writing to write today’s poem.
I Remember
I remember…
Lilac and honeysuckle perfumewrestling with the wild yellow rose
while a honeybee audience
danced on the breeze.
I remember…
the sweet, earthy aroma of
freshly cut green grass permeating
the warm summer mornings
while cicadas played symphonies.
I remember…
the silver cast-iron water pump
standing sentinel over our kingdom…
the smell of ice cold water
splurshing from the spout
as Papa wielded the handle
I remember Papa…
the telltale scent of Vitalis and
Bay Rum mingling together
as I hugged his neck;
a scent that still awakens
comfort and safety
in my soul.
I remember…
unmistakable aroma of
freshly baked bread
swimming through the
kitchen window,
challenging the others…
inviting Papa and me in
to Grandma’s domain.
I remember…
the cinnamony tart smell
of fresh apple butter
simmering on the stove,
begging to find rest on
a still warm slice of bread.
Whenever I remember…
I’m home!
©Bridget Nutting, 2010
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