Monday, April 5, 2010

NaPoWriMo #5 - Her Name is Sorrow

NaPoWriMo, Day #5 - (From ReadWritePoem) Today, let’s make poetry really personal. Give poetry, as you write it, a name. Possibly a gender. And a personality.

Her Name is Sorrow

They gather together in a circle -
All ages,
Personas –
They wear many hats.
They come from all walks of life.
Some have been friends for years -
Raising children,
Rejoicing at graduations,
Dancing at weddings,
Awaiting the birth of grandchildren.
Others scorn the rest, openly.
An impersonal activity
soon becomes
as they vie for attention.
“Pick me! Pick me!”
“I’m better than she is.”
“I have an amazing story to tell.”
They forget we’ll draw straws.

One holds back,
huddling silently in a corner she fears.
She fears the light
knowing most will never believe.
She fears the truth –
revelation that she caused it all.
She fears opening old wounds,
gashes hemorrhaging her soul –
Tears are not recompense
or validation –
even though
they may start and never stop.
her voice wins
by default –
a brief vindication –
Truth writes itself.
Her name is

©Bridget Nutting, 2010


one more believer said...

.. may the circle be unbroken... often wonder what an observer sees... file and forget

Greg O'Connell Poet in Schools said...

Hi, Bridget. Just discovered your blog. I look forward to revisiting during April. And I invite you to read my poems at (Find NaPoWriMo 2010) - Greg =)

flaubert said...
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flaubert said...

oops typo! Sorry about that Bridget. I enjoyed the sadness in this.