Friday, April 2, 2010

NaPoWriMo #2 - RITUAL

Today's Prompt from ReadWritePoem:
It’s Day 2! And Read Write Poem member Therese Broderick has a great prompt for you. (Please don’t expect the introductions to all of our NaPoWriMo prompts to rhyme):
If you love acronyms as I do, your mind has already shortened “Read Write Poem” into “RWP.” But the three letters RWP form known acronyms for at least 31 other phrases, including “Random Weird Person” and “Right Wing Pundits.”
Today’s writing prompt is to type the letters RWP into the abbreviation search field at Acronym Attic and write a poem inspired in any way by one or more of the resulting phrases. You don’t have to use the words from the phrase in your poem, but you can if they fit. GLWI (Good Luck With It)

The following is my attempt, using "Regular White Paper."


Each morning
upon arising,
I gather together
instruments of worship
moving reverently
wooden altar
adorned with dictionary and Dell.
Regular white paper
lies prostrate –
Virgin rag awaiting baptism.
In obeisance and prayer;
I offer pieces
of my soul in exchange
for divine colloquies.
I await profound inspiration…
Sacred blessing
transforming mere soliloquy
into enlightened articulation
worthy of praise…
venerated tributes to ceremony…
Ritual revisited daily.

©Bridget Nutting , 2010

1 comment:

one more believer said...

that is a wonderful piece of the daily buzz of white paper... happy day 2!! monster moves