Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A Grandma's Pride

Being a grandma is almost better than being a momma.... I never thought I could love another being any more than I love my own children, but then along came Natalie and.... well, it doesn't take much to realize that she stole my heart! Maybe it is because I am older and wiser, or maybe it is just because that is how life works for most; in any case, there isn't anything I wouldn't do for her, now and in the future!

I was so lucky to live with and be loved by my great grandparents. They were seventy-five when I was born, and at six weeks old, I went to live with them. Every child should be as loved as I was. Something happened in my mom's heart that didn't allow her to express her love as well as they had, as a mother or a grandmother. She's gone now, and I guess I will never know exactly what that was and why she could never get past it all... I hope she realized that she was loved, unconditionally, anyway. I pray I can be a "Grandma" like my great grandmother was... I never once doubted her unconditional love for me. I could tell her anything and everything, even as a teenager... she was always there for me... What a precious gift I was given... and now it is my turn to give it to our precious Natalie.

Take a moment and tell those whom you love just how much you love them... they never hear it enough!

May you always be blessed!


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