Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Memories of Times Past

Visions of cool, rainy days are distant memories now...
God's country was never meant to be "hot as... you know"
104 degrees is home to the desert,
Not the Pacific Northwest...
Even eagles seek shade...
Gone are the grumblings of too much rain...
Tempers flare as if that could change anything...
Colorful flowers hang their heads in sorrow...
Even the grass mourns...

Thank goodness there are only a few days like this every year. As a child in Montana, I could hardly wait for days like today... "Hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk," and some radio station would prove it so. Now I look forward to the return of cooler, wetter weather... my how age changes things!

Another day of "Garage Sale" preparation... fun and games! Hopefully, Saturday will be cooler so more people will feel like getting out and looking for treasures.

Not much else to say today. May your day be blessed in many ways...If you are reading this where it is warm, I hope you stay cool. If you are reading this where it is cool, may you be warm... wish we could send you some of our heat! Until tomorrow.....

Blessings to you always,


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