Saturday, May 1, 2010

NaPoWriMo #30 - What the Poem Writes

National Poetry Month Prompt #30 (From ReadWritePoem) - Free Day (and farewell)
        Today is the last day of (Inter)National Poetry Month and the Read Write Poem NaPoWriMo Challenge. The prompt today is a free day — you are free to use any prompt you have not yet written to from those provided this month, or you can write, and share, whatever you like today.
        Congratulations to everyone who took part in the challenge! For those of you who wrote a poem every day this month, tomorrow we will post instructions for submitting work for the Read Write Poem NaPoWriMo Challenge anthology.
        We also want to announce that Deb Scott — who served on Read Write Poem’s administrative team — and Carolee Sherwood and Jill Crammond Wickham — who were part of the site’s creative team — have started a new poetry community. The three will share poetry prompts and other poetry-related content at Big Tent Poetry. Their writing lineup is comprised of many fine poets, including several contributors to Read Write Poem. We hope you will check that site out and see what’s going on under the big tent.
        Thank you all for taking part in Read Write Poem, and for taking the Read Write Poem NaPoWriMo Challenge this year. Read Write Poem was intended to help poets share work with one another and learn more about poetry. We hope you will continue on that path. Or, in short, we hope you will all poem on — wherever poetry takes you.

What the Poem Writes

if our days were filled
with thoughts and inspiration -
creative candy -
many poems would write themselves -
celebrations of our lives

©Bridget Nutting, 2010

I can't believe this is the end of the month.  I jotted my poem on a piece of paper as I was a captive audience in meetings most of the day.  That combined with working with students to get their grades up before midnight last night prevented me from returning to post my poem.  Many thanks to everyone who has put so much of themselves into orgainizing and participating in this entire month.   I will hold you in my heart.
Blessings to you all!