My youngest son, Joseph, wrote this yesterday in honor of September 11th. He is very wise for his 21 years. We all need to remember this message.... I couldn't have said it better myself!
Tell, better yet, show the ones around you that you love them. Don't hesitate or hold in the feelings that you have. Be honest, open, and real. Take every chance in life to feel emotion. Whether it is happiness, pain, sorrow, or love. Don't be afraid to feel every emotion in which we've been blessed. Even those emotions that we dread are only reminders of the blessing of those we crave.
We never know what life has in store for each of us. The next step in our paths as individuals on this Earth is unknown. Don't risk never having the chance to be honest and truthful with your self and those you love.
Six years ago today, thousands of people were torn from those they love. They lost that next chance to say the things they always thought they would have a chance to say. They left their homes in a hurry to get to work. Forgetting to kiss the ones they love and never saying the words that would have only taken a moment’s time to speak.
Remember, life is short. It ends slowly or quickly, but it will end one day. Take the time to speak your truth before time is taken from you. Live life as if every moment is your last...
Carpe Deim!
Joseph Nutting