I love to look into someone's eyes...
everything is revealed there. In all of our advance-ment
in this world today, we really have not been able to replace the value of sitting down together and gazing into another's eyes... So many times people can deceive over the phone, in a letter, or on the computer, but it is so much more difficult in person. So, why all this talk about eyes????
The saga continues with my one and only sister... How I wish we could sit together and talk, and look into each other's soul, then maybe all this nonsense could be solved... I pray someone (God) is listening, and has a plan... too bad God doesn't do email!!!
As far as art, I have been working on more greeting cards and some new frame designs which have turned out spectacular! The time seems to slip by so quickly each day.... I have a story that needs writing and 30 postcards for a "Postcard/poem-a-day" project in August. I guess I had better spend some time on those endeavors.
I hope your world is filled with love and blessings and many wonderful activities to keep you busy. I will close for now.
Blessings to you always,